PDPA Compliance Partner

Decide Your Budget

Our unique tool will equip you with the resources to quickly and cost-effectively reach compliance.
From a PDPA Gap assessment through understanding your process and identifying all data being processed you can swiftly build an efficient system that meets compliance.

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PDPA Gap Assessment - PDPA checklist

Simple and Guided method

1. The Gap Assessment tool

PDPA Checklist to final Implementation.

2. How to use the tool 

From your data flow to compliance

3. A comprehensive PDPA Checklist

Carefully go through each step paying attention to details


4. Tips for using the Gap Assessment tool

Designed for a team with clear functions and responsibilities

5. Examples of Application

From collection of datdata to final executioexecution

Why the Safecoms Team?

Bernard Collin, PDPA - GDPR Certified

As the founder and Chief Visionary, Bernard has been an inspiration for the PDPA Compliance project working tirelessly with JFCCT Task Force. Bernard is now driving the inclusion of Artificial Intelligence in this powerful software.

Eddy Bellavoine, PDPA Consultant

Eddy thrives on taking up challenges. His extensive experience as Commercial Director in the software industry and his enthusiasm for PDPA have enabled him to bring the team right where it stands today.

Joao Maluf, CyberSecurity Chief

Joao lives his dream every day by doing what he loves. Driven by CyberSecurity's ever-evolving nature, Joao challenges himself and guides his team to stay ahead of the curve. His passion for this field is unmatched!

Andre Vermeulen, our Process Guru

With his international knowledge of supply chain management and ERP systems, Andre has a unique perspective to evaluating interactions between processes aligning operations and solving problems.

1. The Gap Assessment tool

With the Gap Assessment tool, organizations can safeguard their data and align with PDPA requirements. Representatives from various departments will quickly identify any gaps in policy or compliance that need to be addressed. Not only does this prevent unauthorized access to personal information, 

but it also ensures stakeholders are aware of roles and responsibilities regarding collected data. Additionally, the assessment includes tools for revising forms so they abide by PDPA law - protecting the company's owners from harm while maintaining a secure environment overall.

2. How to use the tool

Analyse your situation

Define Rules and Processes

Sanitize Data

Implement new rules

The Gap Assessment tool is a robust analysis system designed to compare your business' existing processes with the official recommendations of the PDPA laws. It will generate an in-depth comparison between what you are presently doing and what these regulations require from you, assisting 

you with verifying all data processing actions and personnel in each department to guarantee that every aspect of your company complies with the recent privacy rules. This powerful tool is indispensable for ensuring total compliance today!

3. A Comprehensive PDPA Checklist.

Leveraging the Gap Assessment tool can assist you in understanding your organization's data protection compliance. As you utilize this effective resource, there are a few important details to remember for successful utilization of the assessment. Firstly, be comprehensive and take the time to fully consider each query presented in order for it to be truly helpful. Secondly, centre your attention on how a potential data breach

  could impact an individual whose information may have been exposed; what risks would they face if their personal data was compromised? By following these considerations when using The Gap Assessment Tool, one will obtain relevant results that accurately reflect an accurate sense of security readiness within his/her company.

Create your Team

You need to create a unified team within the organization with very clearly defined roles.


Each Role has a clear set of Tasks and Responsibilities to fulfill methodically.

What is Processed

Analyse all personal data you are processing as well as the law basis for each case.

Seek Advise when stuck

Remember we are here to help and support you to reaching your compliance goal.

To get the most out of the Gap Assessment, it is crucial to work as a team and have delineated responsibilities for each department.
The data controller must be selected cautiously, his role carefully explained and clear instructions should be given to every data processor. 

Each piece of personal data being processed needs to be analyzed to understand if the processing is legal, if it is fair to the data owner, and allowed. By taking these steps, you can guarantee that the Gap Assessment will serve its purpose optimally.

5. Examples of how to use the Gap Assessment tool

Taking advantage of the Gap Assessment tool is easy, just follow the steps in their recommended order! Start by collecting all pertinent information and measure it against our suggested structure and processes. Classifying data correctly is critical since this will determine how you should store and protect it.

Taking advantage of our Gap Assessment tool is effortless! All you need to do is gather the required information, evaluate it against our prescribed structure and procedures, and finish off your data classification form - that's all there is to it!

If these simple steps are adopted consecutively then you will be sure that any pertinent material being processed or stored away meets secure industry standards.

With a basic grasp of the PDPA, sit down and diagram how data passes through your company and where it comes from. Next, draw up clear rules for every individual managing data to adhere to when handling it. Finally, document everything so that if any problems arise, all these elements are easily accessible and your business practices comply with legal regulations.

How many days have we got left before penalties become serious...

With the Gap Assessment Tool and Implementation Plan, organizations can quickly identify any areas of non-compliance with data protection regulations while staying within budget. Not only will it provide a comprehensive evaluation of your compliance status, but you have the option to execute as much or little of the process yourself before handing off more difficult aspects to external auditors. Utilize this incredible resource today for an efficient way to reach Total Data Protection Compliance under PDPA standards!

This system is conveniently designed to enable you to continually assess your adherence and raise your compliance level with each review. By continuously utilizing Discover, you will be able to maximize the security of your information!
